the story of growing up Scroggins

Monday, October 6, 2008

Current Addictions

Current Addictions - The Rules:

1. Write a post about five current addictions (with details)
2. Mention the person who started this meme (Being Brazen) and also the person who tagged you.
3. Title your post “Current Addictions”
4. Tag at least two people and pass on the above rules.

Thanks to Natalie over at the 3 Girls and a Guy for tagging me.

1-Blogging: To copy Natalie, I do enjoy perusing other people's lives on the ol' internet. I also like this digital scrapbook I've begun compiling for myself. I hope I can keep up with it, and the internet doesn't die in this crazy future we got goin' on.

2-2008 Election: This election is so unique on so many levels. I'm desperately trying to wrap my brain around all of them, and to educate myself daily on the latest economic crisis of my generation. That, and laughing hysterically at Tina Fey's impression of Sarah Palin.

3-my yard: I am absolutely obsessed with growing things on these 2 acres of ours. I am constantly watering, snipping, replanting, browsing, and planning for future watering, snipping, replanting, and browsing. Now I'm concerned with planting red tipped bushes between our house and the newer neighbor's house. Then I'll move on to trees-lots and lots of trees...

4-pictures: I need more hours in the day. I love to organize, scrapbook, file away, and frame my memories. I'm so behind I need another lifetime to catch up-but then there'd be those pictures to organize and scrapbook. So here I am...

5-finding time for us: Life is getting pretty crazy with all these kids. Finding time for a date is dang near impossible. I'm always shopping for the opportunity.

I tag Brandi over at Order Envy, and April at the House Blog...have fun!


House said...

thanks for the tag....your wish granted. how was grady's day at mdo?

Danielle M. Scroggins said...

good day at mdo!! whiny when i picked him up, but they assured me it was a good day