the story of growing up Scroggins

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Backyard Campout

One of the great things about living in the "country" is being able to make fire. This weekend we had a backyard campout. The kids have been begging for it since we saw John and Kate plus Eight do it. I thought it was a grand idea...tents in the backyard, fire in the firepit, and no packing up all the crap and taking it somewhere to set up. Yay that.

Our friends, Shelly and Jared, came for the evening, and while the kids sat around the campfire with their packets of meat and veggies (idea courtesy of our girl scout campout), we sat on the backporch with our steak and salad. Everyone thought it was awesome.
The dads took up scary storytelling during s'more snacktime, which sent some of the younger ones into their mommy's laps. No worries, the stories always ended ok, and all the fingers were sticky-not bloody. :)


natalie said...

So fun! I saw that episode. I guess you need a couple of more kids to the mix. :)

Soña said...

Aww that sounds like a fun weekend activity. Love the photos :)

Anonymous said...

photos were wonderful! wish i could've been there!
