the story of growing up Scroggins

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sex and the City

So a few nights ago, some girls from my book club took a field trip to see Sex and the City-ultimate Girl's Night Out just by definition! As we were discussing the movie at dinner, it struck me as funny that none of us were a true die hard fan of the show. Yet here we were, driving an hour to watch a movie with a bunch of friends. The whole premise of the show is based on friendship, and not just your normal everyday casual friendship-but the nitty gritty bear-your-soul kind of friendship. True Friendship. The kind of friendship that forgives; the kind of friendship that celebrates; the kind of friendship that sympathizes; the kind of friendship that will hold your hair when you've had just one too many; the kind of friendship I have craved and sought after my entire life. I'm a little broken on this topic-and I blame my military brat background for that, but I have always sought out kindred spirits. I cherish those that I have found, and protect that sacred bond. But sitting at dinner the other night, I thought that perhaps I wasn't the only one-here we were, sharing time together because of the premise of this movie. A movie that tells a story about the highest of highs and the lowest of lows-and how friends walk those lines with you. I think-no I know that's why Madison's slumber party was so special to me. Watching friendships begin is almost magical, and I pray Madison finds those kindred spirits to help her walk through this crazy life.

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