the story of growing up Scroggins

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Example #1

Now in the nitty gritty of life, it seems we are always figuring out schedules, calendars, appointments. We sat down just last week and planned out the entire summer. THE ENTIRE SUMMER! Every Single Weekend has something going on. When did that happen? I swear it was just last week (a.k.a 9 years ago) that Todd and I spent a month roaming the western US armed with a tent, a cooler and a few pillows in the backseat of the Taurus. Our biggest decision was which CD to listen to and where to make camp. We floated through the days noting the landscape, marveling at the history, and picking the route for the next day. Someone actually asked us one day if we "lived in our car". Our decision to head home was made for us by the dwindling funds and a nagging need to enter society as a functioning member-for the first time.

Now as functioning members we plan, organize and schedule every moment. In fact, the entire reason we sat down with the calendar was to SCHEDULE FUN. Who has to do that? What happened to "summertime and the living is easy"?

Sometimes being a grown up is just too hard.

1 comment:

Bean Counter said...

I agree with your assessment Watson!