the story of growing up Scroggins

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Very First Piano Recital

Tonight, Tanner performed his very first piano recital ever.  He was very, very nervous, and I was certain he'd refuse to play in front of anyone, especially since he'd only play for me here at home.  Not Todd.  Not Madison, and certainly not Grady.  I was just a little nervous about how to problem solve our way through that.  So, we arrived a few minutes early, and stopped at Jason and Jenn's house to warm up before the big performance.  We had to talk him into it, but he FINALLY played one song for us there, and felt a little more ready to walk over to his teacher's house for the real recital.

When we arrived, we were led in a prayer before feasting on a hot dog supper.  As the guests (grandmas, grandpas, sisters, and brothers) dined on the cuisine, we were entertained by the little fine arts scholars.  Tanner was one of the first to step up to the plate, and performed both songs almost flawlessly.  His little face as he finished the second one was priceless, and tonight when I tucked him into bed, he said he was so nervous-certain people were going to laugh at him when he played his songs.  I told him over and over we were so proud of him, and couldn't wait to see where his muscial career would lead him.  He just grinned that Toothless Tanner wins me over every single time.

Tanner wasn't the only one showcased this evening.  We were able to hear Sam's accomplishments as well; I think they love having so much of the same interests, and that friendship is just budding more everyday.
The little boys had a really hard time being quiet during the performances, acting out the music silently during the play, and erupting into violent happiness when the songs were finished.  It was crazy funny to watch them, too.  After all the official music, all the kids found their way back to Jason and Jenn's house for an impromtu front-yard baseball game as all the adults chatted the rest of the evening hours away.  Overall, a lovely evening of music, friendship, and that thing they call fellowship.  One of those truly "Hope Floats" kinds of nights. 

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