the story of growing up Scroggins

Monday, May 17, 2010

First Communion

Madison made her First Communion on Sunday.  I remember my First Communion with vivid detail.  I remember the dress-it was very itchy, and the ceremony of walking into the church with my classmates.  I read the Responsorial Psalm to the entire congregation, and I remember how nervous I was to speak into that microphone.  I remember my parents hosting a big party at our house afterward, with a big, fancy cake and the day being filled with Joy.  I wanted Madison to feel that same Joy, and to look back on this day with same Peace and Happiness.
She did a fantastic job, submitting to wearing her dress, veil and even tights for the duration of the ceremony.  I feverishly snapped over 100 pictures, to record the special moment.  She sat with her class during church, and I marveled at how Holy and Innocent each of them looked.  Father addressed the class specifically during the Homily, noting the 3 times Madison had yawned since the service began.  We all laughed, and she blushed just a little, but that didn't stop her from the yawning epidemic for the rest of Mass.  He compared their lives to a toothpick, and Jesus to a nail.  Alone, the toothpick broke easily, but when resting with the nail, the toothpick was just as strong.  I loved the analogy and watched all the kids listen with intent-albeit with a yawn here and there. I think they will remember that story though, and remember the strength behind Faith that goes right along with it.

After Mass, we snapped a few more pictures, much to Madison's chagrin.  But, I did manage to get one with her Godmothers, Aunt Patti and Baby Sona-not forgetting Baby Andrea.  Madison was blessed to have Michelle and Cameron in for the ceremony as well, along with both sets of Grandparents.  We took up a whole pew, which made me laugh.  I'm not used to being surrounded by so much family, and sometimes it catches me off guard-in a most wonderful kind of way.  I got few of us with her, but wished I had made the entire family pose for a few shots.  I need to get better at that-being the boss of getting everyone in the pictures, but people tend to ho-hum when I do that.  Any tips on making that happen in the future?

We hurried home to prepare for the celebration lunch, and afterparty with family and friends.  I tried to make it a stellar event, even pulling out my very fancy punchbowl and "shower dishes."  Sona was most impressed with those, we explained the mass collections most people in Decatur had.  I think she will be even more amazed when we start hosting Wedding Showers-Decatur knows wedding showers.  Jared and Thaine stopped by to congratulate Madison on her special day, along with Rita-Mom's friend turned family.  We are blessed with many of those, now that I think about it.  We snacked on chicken salad, champagne punch, normal punch, and other "girly foods" for the rest of the afternoon.  It seemed just perfect, and I think Madison felt the love-even as she ran to play Wii with the boys.  At least she wore the dress a few minutes longer.  She was suprised people brought her presents to add to the celebration, and looked wonderingly at her new cross necklaces, bible, rosary, and Mary Figurine.  She also came up to me at one point in the afternoon, gave me a big hug, and said, "Now I can take Communion with and Daddy every Sunday, right?"  I don't think the reality had sunk in until just that moment, and it was precious.

It was a surreal moment watching her walk up to the alter in her beautiful white dress.  I was bombarded with memories of carrying her up to the same alter in another beautiful white dress for her Baptism.  That was just short of 9 years ago.  9 years.  In another 9 years she will be 18 and headed to A&M.  Well, that's the plan anyway.  In the meantime, I hope these minutes start slowing down just a little, or a lot.  A lot will do, too.


cdk said...

ok, that made me tear up. Especially love the last picture of you and Madison!! Glad she enjoyed her special day.

sharynh said...

So glad her day was memorable for all of you.
I remember my First Communion quite well too...oh and First Confession...that was scary stuff!

Danielle M. Scroggins said...

i liked that one too crystal-just wish my hair was out of my face! :)

Soña said...

Ooh I love all these photos -- sooo wonderful! Please send me the one of Madison and Patti and I. xoxo

Kristen said...

I love this! I know and teach several of the kids in the group photo. Great kids from great families. I admire you for sharing your faith so visibly with your children!