the story of growing up Scroggins

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

my cup runneth over...

One of my best friends, Shelly, was robbed last week. The jerks took everything from the washer and dryer to her bras. Yes, her five awesome Victoria's Secret amazing bras that enhance even my chest. Jerks. As she began listing the things they took, it began to sound like the narrator from How the Grinch Stole Christmas. They took the packages, boxes, and BAGS! It was a heart-breaking week, but our little group quickly rallied around her, and lifted her spirits.

Our most master plan culminated this evening, in a happy hour with a surprise jewelry shower for Shelly. Of course her jewelry was stolen, with some very precious pieces, but her costume jewelry was taken as well. For me, that might be worse than the real stuff-I'd feel naked without my layers of beads and variety of silver hoops. She even mentioned that she felt like a boy at the baseball games on Saturday-wearing a baseball cap, but no accessories. We fixed that, and we fixed it good.

But, that's not really what this post is about. This post is about the feeling I had the moment I walked into Crystal's house, and the overwhelming calm that enveloped me as I greeted every person that came through the door. I was early (of course-I'm so broken), and when I walked in I was out of breath, spastic, and frazzled (again-of course). I explained I had no tissue paper, and I'd forgotten kid drinks. Crystal and Cheri both said (practically at once), "We've got it-don't worry." It was such a nice feeling to be coddled for a few seconds while someone just made something happen for me! As people began arriving, we all started (and sometimes finished) conversations about our day, our week, and our everyday. Kids were coming in and out of the kitchen, sneaking some of those "yummy grown up snacks," and we kept sending them right back outside to "enjoy the beautiful day." It really was beautiful by the way. We toasted Shelly, and wished her a happier week, and she basked in the glory of her new accessories. We all have pretty darn good taste, too.

I couldn't stay long-both Jennifer and I had to slam a quick drink, throw a present at Shelly, and head on back to work on the garage sale extravaganza planned for this weekend. But, as I hugged my goodbyes, it occurred to me how extremely blessed I am. My sappy factor went into overdrive as I fought back these stupid tears that seem to be permenantly stuck behind my eyeballs lately. I was instantly hit with overwhelming contentment and acceptance, and yes, Shelly-I know this gathering was in your honor, but I seem to have reaped a few bonus points of my own, and just in the midst of a few weeks that were trying to kill me. Dead. In the ground. Just when I thought I might not pull through, seeing all those smiling faces pulled me up.

Beautiful Minds. Ya-Ya. River Buddies. We seem to be carrying a few nicknames in our baskets, but no matter what you call us, I know we are there. And, I have this sneaky feeling, we always will be.

1 comment:

Patti D said...

that is SO sweet, i'm SO sorry to hear that!