the story of growing up Scroggins

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Certified Sub

So I attended the sub training. Not much has changed in the last 5 years-administrators still live in LALA land, and I still get excited at the idea of presenting to a classroom of eager learners. We discussed district ideals, student success, classroom dicipline....all things so familiar. As I sat and listened so attentively to the presentation my mind began to wander to my "career" in general. Since Grady's hospitalization this summer I've tossed around the idea of Nursing School. Something so unfamiliar and seemingly exciting. It's something I am genuinely interested in, and yet am pulled back because of the logistics in schooling as well as the shiftwork involved with Nurses. Nursing School, school nurse, science teacher, sub...all possibilities...all taking up space in my mind.

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