the story of growing up Scroggins

Monday, March 28, 2011

Five Years Old

Tomorrow Grady is turning FIVE.  I honestly can't believe it's already here.  Madison turned five after Grady was born, and now here I am with my baby being that same age.  It just doesn't seem possible!  :(  I know people say that over and over, and it's so odd how time seems to pass.  In some ways it feels like so long ago we brought home our last little baby, and in some ways it feels like just yesterday.  I'm taking the day off to spend with my little man, just Mommy and Grady, just to take a minute to slow down and watch him be four for one more day.  Next year he will be in kindergarten learning how to read, how to add, and how to be a real live student.

But for one more day he's still just my little baby.

We celebrated with a big boy birthday party yesterday at the house-with a fancy jump house and our bestest friends and family.

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