the story of growing up Scroggins

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Yes, I've been a bad blogger...

It's not that I've lost interest in blogging, it's just that I've sort of gone into hibernation this summer.  The end of the school year really beat me up, and I guess I've been trying to recharge my batteries--which has meant abandoning almost all things necessary in favor of most things frivalous.  We've spent time at the lake, the pool, Vegas, curled up reading, curled up watching tv, and curled up at the movie theater.  We've also been busy family bonding with my grandpa in June and my uncle last week.  Now it's mid July, and we have reunion headed our way and then we are headed to Ireland-yes!  Ireland!  Hopefully that will charge me up completely, and I'll be ready to tackle another school year.

For now, I'll try to catch up the past few months with some photo blogging...and yes, I will do better.  This is my scrapbook these days.

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