the story of growing up Scroggins

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Oprah's Wagon

Don't leave the post just yet-I know many of you out there hate Oprah and the wagon she carried behind her, but I don't have such disdain for her. I don't have disdain for much of anything really, so she ends up being ok in my book.

In any case, recently she's been laying her recent weight gain and "falling off the wagon" out there for everyone to see. That's pretty courageous if you ask me-I don't know that I could be so raw with something so personal. Sometime this week she had the first Biggest Loser Winner on her show. He's also fallen off the wagon. Click Here to see his story.

It makes me super sad to see him and all the weight he's gained back. We catch that show every now and then around here, and I always wish I could be a contestant (minus that whole wearing a sports bra on tv, weighing in on national tv, and just being on tv in general). To see him backslide after a seemingly life-changing experience is just a little disheartening.


Anonymous said...

that IS so sad! i guess that's why Jared from Subway KEEPS doing commercials...


Chris said...

That's the 1st I have heard about that? Not something "The Biggest Loser" wants advertised I'm sure. I love food as much as anybody, I'm sure as much as Oprah and the Biggest Loser Guy...I think I am just lucky I have just been blessed with better genetics(?)

Anonymous said...

Oprah is the antichrist and she has drummed up this current saga to gain publicity points again!! Seriously, when is America going to wake up and realize she is dictating their who to vote for president???