the story of growing up Scroggins

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hail to the Chief

This is one of those days in history that makes you stop down. I know I will look back on this day, as so many others will, and remember where I was when the first African American President took the Oath of Office. For me, it was at home with Grady, while I nursed one heck of a cold.

I'm not usually a news junkie, but as I turned on the news coverage this morning, I was immediately sucked in as the First Couple-Elect went to church for a private prayer service. I said a little prayer along with them. Grady and I played puzzles as Obama met Bush for coffee at the White House. I could only imagine the emotions of a President leaving the White House and another beginning the White House journey. I made lunch as all the Washington Officials made their way to their seats on Captiol Hill. Grady and I settled down on the couch with his sippy cup, my box of tissues, and a cozy blanket for both of us. Even Grady sat still and listened to Aretha Franklin sing "My Country 'tis of Thee. We watched Obama take the Oath; we read a book during his speech. I told Grady about our new President. He thought I said present-there was a moment of discontent on his part when I had nothing for him.

During Grady's nap, I continued my addiction to the news coverage, listening to his speech over and over. It was hailed as a sobering speech calling us all to action. He discussed the hardships we have as a Country, and gave us Hope as we move forward. Patriotism was discussed again and again. As a patriotic person, it's easy for me to be moved to tears during the Star Spangled Banner, or the site of our Capitol city, but to see others moved just as much or more left me overwhelmed. Our Country is excited and proud. It's a great moment.

Madison and Tanner came home from school during the Parade. They were giddy about watching President Obama take the Oath today. All 5 of us watched the new President and First Lady walk the Parade Route waving to Americans. Grady was concerned that they weren't throwing candy during the parade-which made us all laugh. Madison explained this was a PRESIDENTIAL parade-much different than the Decatur Homecoming Parade. Imagine that. We talked about the First Kids, and how their life was so much different now. Madison took a moment to think that through. Tanner wondered what happened after the parade. Grady wanted to watch Walle.

I'm still watching the coverage of the Inaugural Balls, watching all the First Dances and Continuous Speeches. My heart is light, my spirit is happy, and my nose is runny. Tomorrow is Obama's first day "on the job" being President, and our first day "on the job" supporting our new President. I'm looking forward to it, and I know I will look back on this day with a smile remembering every detail in vivid Color.

1 comment:

Jarhead™ said...

Oh, you think you're happy now! Wait until he signs the Freedom of Choice Act which will codify Roe v. Wade!

That will be a proud day for you!

Hope and Change!!