the story of growing up Scroggins

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Last night I took my goblins around town for the annual tricks or treats.

I had a wicked witch...

A pirate captain...Aarg-g (According to Tanner you have to pronounce both G's.)

and a homeless pirate...(although Dad informed me that all pirates are homeless...little detail)
We started the festivities by running by the Grandparent houses to test our trick or treat skills. We were rewarded with special Candy from Gran, and had a bonus story from Grandmom about candy. Grandad promised to wait up for the Great Pumpkin, so from there we were off on our Halloween Extravaganza.
We met up with the Laaser boys, and in doing so picked up an Elvis, and another Pirate Captain. Next we were off to the local Nursing Home, where we met up with some more friends...
We found sound some scary creatures, Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker, Yoda, a Princess, and a penguin...a perfect company to share some treats and hot dogs. The residents got a kick out of the little ones asking for candy, and of course the little ones loved all the candy! Grady finally got the hang of it about half way through-complete with "Happy Hawoweeen!!" as we said goodbye. From there we headed to Jason and Jenn's neighborhood for the actual door-to-door trick or treating. You know, I always want this to be a nice, peaceful walk through the neighborhood, but corralling 3 disguised kids darting around asking for candy in the dark-never quite as peaceful as I imagine. By the end we were all exhausted, and ready to it give up...
Shelly and the boys came over for a slumber party since the husbands were MIA this Halloween. The little boys crashed while the older kids played Wii until way past their bedtime. We relaxed with a glass or two of wine, and laughed at the craziness we put ourselves through. All in all a successful night-and hopefully one the kids will look back on with a smile.


Harry said...

There's a reason Audrey and Madisson got along so well...they're both little witches!

Harry said...

AND - I freakin' love that little Yoda. Who is that, and can I steal him?

Danielle M. Scroggins said...

that would be cooper, the best baby in the history of ever. never cries, never wants to run around like a maniac-truly my kids need to nominate him to be their president. he's a cutie

more pics here: