So, since we've been back from vacation, I've been wanting to see my classroom and get the "lay of the land" so to speak. I've been worried about the change to elementary school, teaching 5th grade, having RECESS DUTY, setting up my classroom with no materials...and on and on and on...I'm good at worrying, fretting, and stressing in general. I was finally able to see my classroom yesterday morning, and the first thing my eyes caught were CUBBIES. I freaked a little, realizing there are no lockers in elementary schools, but still settled in the idea that I was going to have my very own classroom. I am super excited about that-really really excited about that. I did get overwhelmed though-not having desks, or a teacher desk or a way to organize any science equipment. So, I left. I made a list of questions for my new principal, and set my sights on the teacher store. Crystal held my hand today as I walked in and looked at the store in a whole new light-through the eyes of an elementary teacher. I looked at bathroom passes, calendars, border, posters, birthday signs, all kinds of things. I did keep the spending to a minimum-but truth be told, I bet I go back again before school starts. I felt so much better with some cutesy stuff under my belt, and now settled in my classroom. Well, not settled, but set in. After the teacher store, we feasted at Pei Wei, and spontaneously treated ourselves to a summer pedicure...complete with a complimentary glass of wine. Needless to say, I was waaaaay more relaxed after she talked me off the ledge I was inching toward jumping off, and of course, the wine helped, too-always does.
I'll keep you posted on the transition for steps. Or little kid steps. Elementary Steps I guess is what I should say....