the story of growing up Scroggins

Friday, July 24, 2009

T'were the Nights of Reunion

The children were nestled at home...all snug in their beds.

While visions of winnings danced in our heads. I in my sundress, and Todd in his Coldplay shirt, had just settled down for the long night ahead.
When up in the cabin there arose such a clatter, our heads snapped around to see what was the matter. Away to the Sangria I flew like a flash, poured in some ice, and dared make a splash.

When what to my wondering eye should appear, but a pokeno card and 5 red circles to make the win clear.

With a lovely young lady, so lively and fun, I knew in a moment "It's Reunion" was on. She laughed and recited and called them by name: Ace of Spades, 2 of hearts, 5 of clubs, and so on with the game.

And then in a twinkling, the gift cards were gone, but there was yet time for more laughter and fun.

We gathered our girls, grabbed a Red Cup or Two, and off down the path we set out for Reunion Anew. We visited a cabin, a few, and filled our cups with Cream Puffs and tried not to spew.

We laughed and giggled as the night went along, snapping pictures and braiding hair-both short and long.

The memories were rich; the traditions ran deep. For hours and hours the same scene played the pitch. Afterall, it had for years made these moments to keep.
But that night came to a close on its own, and we readied ourselves for the rest of the week, with hours of sleep on loan.

In the wee morning hours, we stumbled back home, content in our night but ready for more. We walked to our cabins, to our friends gave a wink, and I heard somewhat mention, as he poured another drink,

"It's Reunion: an excuse all week!"

**I know it's dorky, work with me here. I think I've had 12 hours of sleep in the last 4 or so days. Reunion came to an end last night. As usual, a blast for everyone involved. The kids have great memories to last them a few years, and add to for years to come.**


cdk said...

I thought your poem was GREAT! & it filled in a few gaps for me of the evening! :)

sharynh said...

Love the poem...great pics. Thank you to all the Decatur folks who include us all 'move ins' in the festivities!