the story of growing up Scroggins

Monday, July 13, 2009

Meet Ringtail

Apparently our new barn kitten, only we don't have a barn-shown here giving Marley the evil hiss. She's been around for the past week, and has migrated from the Fort to the Garage. If we aren't careful, we are going to end up on the 6 o'clock news as "that family from DE-catur with all those PETS."


Bean Counter said...

check for fleas!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know about that name...synonymous with Ringworm...just sayin'

Harry said...

that cat (and that picture) is AWESOME. Love the blue eyes and the tail. But yeah, name will have to grow on me.

Bean Counter said...

That Cat is not ours just yet so hold your horses...It is called "Cat"...I did give it a bath to kill the fleas, but he stays outside! If he/she does not like that then it can find somewhere else to live. However, if anyone needs a cat that does not scratch, claw or bite during a bath this is the cat for you. Ringo would have eaten me alive for the treatment this poor thing got yesterday by me and the outside faucet.

Anonymous said...

ummm...i'm pretty sure we had a cat that went from "kitten" "kitty" "el gatito" "el diablo" that lived 15 or so years WITH a dibilitating heart guys better be careful!

--aunt patti

ps. she's a CUTIE!