the story of growing up Scroggins

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bless me Father, for I have sinned...

Madison made her First Confession tonight. She was all stressed about it, which I thought was kind of funny. I mean, how bad could her sins be? Was she really mean to her brothers? or really really mean. :) I tried to ease her fears though, and as we practiced her prayers we went over the ceremony step by step. She seemed a little more comfortable after that, but still wary of the whole thing. When we arrived at church, I gave her a rosary that Sona, one of her Godmothers, had bought for her while visiting Notre Dame. I told her to hold it tight, and when she was nervous to just think of us and how proud we are of her and this big moment. I think she felt super special after that.

Then the festivities began. Even armed with her special rosary, she still looked a little nervous.Father talked to them about "God's eraser", and went over a Gospel from Luke. I think he sensed the tension because he also went over the mechanics of the little ceremony and told all the kids not to worry.

Then there was the waiting. Madison looked totally angelic the entire time. I'm sure she was just examining her conscience.When it was finally her turn, she slowly walked up to the priest and laid it all out there for him. I got a thumbs up on her walk back to her seat, so I guessed it was all good.

After the ceremony, she received an official certificate and plaque of the Act of Contrition. She told me she felt weird, but good. She was looking forward to saying the prayer again before bedtime to have her "special time," which made me smile. Special time is always a good thing, and I'm glad tonight made that impression on our Madison.


Soña said...

I'm still so bummed I missed it but glad I could be a part of it in some small way. I'm so proud of Madison, I can't believe she's already this grown up. ::sniff sniff::

Jarhead™ said...

That's cool. I can't remember what I said at my first confession, but I'm sure it had to do with being mean to my sister and talking back to my parents.

I'll bet the priests hear some funny stuff at kids' first confessions.

Congrats to your little girl! Next stop: First Communion.

P.S. I wore a green suit at my first communion. Not a dark green suit, mind you, but a seafoam green suit.

so not mother of the year said...

Wow - so proud of Madison as she grows up! Thanks for sharing.

Jarhead™ said...

P.P.S. You don't often see pictures of people making confessions, so I had an extra chuckle that you have a picture of Madison and the priest.

I can't imagine what the expression on my confessor's face looks like when I go to confession.

Danielle M. Scroggins said...

I know it was a little over the top photographing the confession, but I couldn't resist. At least I didn't get too close and video tape it. :) You think I'm kidding-there were some that tried.

and the green suit? A message from mother earth in your younger years? I think yes.