the story of growing up Scroggins

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Cards

I've been trying to finish my Christmas Cards for the past week. It's a process around here, but a process I really do enjoy. I'm dorky like that. :) I'm one of those "letter writers" that sends out a sampling of our year in one page or less. I've written these letters since our First Christmas, and it's superfun to go back and read through them. I have them all in a Christmas Scrapbook, and flipping through so many years in one book with those letters as commentary-well, it's just neat. We've done a lot of stuff in the last 13 years. In our first letter, I wrote about the "wedding catastrophe" as our leftover wedding napkins flew out of Todd's pickup on the way home. Fast forward to this year, and I wrote about our 3 kids with their many quirks and milestones. Funny how life gives you a ride. That couple that laughed so hard at the irony of a wedding catastrophe happening post-wedding, also laughed at the look in their kids' eyes when Santa called tonight. I guess our sense of humor has aged along with us. :)

It seems redundant to summarize our year, pick a picture, and mass mail it to everyone when I update our life almost daily on this here blog. In theory, I guess I could just post my letter and get on with it. That just doesn't seem as fun though. Or as Christmasy.

Now I just need to carve out the few hours it takes to address, stuff, and stamp everything. That time is proving very difficult to find as the years wear on, but I will find it-as I do every year, and will for every year to come. Just think when I have a book of 40 or so letters to read through-what a story that will be!


Jarhead™ said...

Is that my card on the very top of the pile? lol

natalie said...

I always check the mail everyday at this time with the anticipation of getting the Scroggins Christmas Card and Letter. I always seem to learn something new. Can't wait!

Danielle M. Scroggins said...

yes Jarhead, the first one I addressed was yours.

thanks nat! :) i think there have been a few letters from your direction a time or two as well!

Cheryl Mc said...

I love getting the family newsletter! I am glad to hear that you are carrying on the tradition.