the story of growing up Scroggins

Monday, August 23, 2010

First day of bigger stronger school 2010

The big kids and I left earlier than Grady did for his "bigger stronger school."  He was actually still sleeping when we rolled out!  Luckily, we were stuffed from a yummy Chef Todd breakfast, and we couldn't complain too much.  I wondered though how Grady would do-you know we've had issues.  But, tonight school was his "rose" and he said he had so much fun playing with friends and toys, so I can't really worry too much.  The bigger kids also had great days.  Tanner's teacher emailed me that she was already loving him, and Madison's teacher let me know that she wasn't shy to ask questions.  Hmmm...not sure what kind of sign that might be!  So far, we're off to a great start for 4th, 2nd and Pre-K.  Let's hope it keeps up the rest of the week!
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gran47 said...

I am missing my Grady. I hope he enjoys his bigger stronger school.

natalie said...

Wow, so grown up. You have done a great job MOM (and dad too!) Glad they had a great FIRST day.

gran47 said...

Great first day pictures. That Tanner looks really mature.Madison the brainwashing is working as your Aunt Michelle would say.
Miss all three.