the story of growing up Scroggins

Thursday, February 11, 2010

and it was the minivan to the rescue!!!

Todd not only got his own truck stuck in the snow, he also got his dad's truck stuck.  He would argue that his dad got his own truck stuck, but it wouldn't have been out there if Todd wasn't stuck in the first place.

Catch all that?

So, me and the minivan braved the roads from here to Becky's house to retrieve my family.  I made it no problem, because I'm obviously the go-to person when it comes to driving in the snow.  I picked up Todd and the boys-Madison opting for a sleepover with Gran.  I guess Todd didn't get enough vehicles stuck, because when we got home, he proceeded to get the lawn mower stuck in the snow.  Don't ask.  Sean texted me asking if his name was Griswold, and it might very well be!
The boys can't get enough of it though.  They frolicked despite their frozen hands...and paws.

I'm so glad to have my guys here with me.  :)  We have a fire, and are about to whip up some soup and hot chocolate.  Oh, who am I kidding.  I already uncorked a bottle of wine! Cozy-ness awaits.  :)


natalie said...

This makes me smile. In a time where I think change is upon us, its nice to see that some things never change. Miss ya'll! :)

Bean Counter said...

My wife is so beautiful!