the story of growing up Scroggins

Sunday, October 18, 2009


We finished out the weekend with our annual pumpkin-carving tradition at Gran's house.  This year, my kids actually did a little carving of their own, but we did have the "stick on" stand-by parts just in case.  Good thing too, since when I was "helping" Madison carve her cat, I accidentally broke then entire carved at off the face of the pumpkin.  Cousin Abby was a great problem solver, and we found a place for that cat at the top of her newly improved pumpkin-part accessorized pumpkin.  :)  In addition to the carving fun, we ate mummies for breakfast, bones for lunch, and drank gummy worm punch for an afternoon snack.  Silly traditions-that's what this day is always about, and the kids just always eat that up.

The day wasn't all mummies and worms; we did have our fair share of tragedies.  Of course, Grady led the way when he put his hand through the cat cage to say hi to Grandmama's cat.  Grandmama's cat only likes Grandmama, and let Grady know that with her claws.  It took a good hour to recover from that one.  Later that afternoon, Grandmama tripped and messed up her new dental work.  She promises she's pain free, and that she'll just be a little sore.  Both of which are a relief, I'm just not sure I believe her just yet!  The last little incident involved Marley and Sandy disagreeing over the jurisdiction of a sandwich crumb.  Marley lost, and limped around for a few minutes following the debate. 

Scroggins.  We know drama.

Once things settled down, we were able to enjoy the creative pumpkin masterpieces and add another photo to the pumpkin collages we've collected over the years.  We started this when Cameron was smaller than Grady; it's amazing how quickly those years can zip by.  But, tonight I won't focus on that.  I'll just focus on the fun, let the whining blur at the edges, the injuries begin to heal, and the pictures speak for themselves.

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