the story of growing up Scroggins

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Hunter

Tuesday was opening day of Dove Season. Interesting fact? Not usually for this little family; however, this year Todd decided to be a hunter, not a gatherer. You can imagine my surprise when he told me of his plans to go dove hunting in general, let alone the first day of the Season, AND on a SCHOOL NIGHT. But, he covered his bases, and had his mom chip in with me so I could run around to all the Mom activities planned for that night, so I guess I couldn't complain too much.

The images in my head were cracking me up. Todd in camo. Todd crouched down in the "brush." Todd wearing a hat with leaves hanging off of the bill. Todd's accent acquiring more "ain'ts" and "ders" as the night wore on. But, he did manage a few kills. Gag. He even cleaned the little birds, and grilled them last night for dinner. The kids and I looked at warily at the spread, and mostly nibbled on the vegetables and rice. We're just more comfortable knowing our Todd bought the meat instead of killed the meat. It makes a difference in our little world. For now, I think we are safe for another year; I doubt Todd will venture into any other kind of hunting season, since he tears up at Charlotte's Web when both Wilbur's life is in danger, and Charlotte's daughters decide to fly away.

Good thing we don't actually HAVE to hunt and gather...good thing indeed.


Chris said...

I don't know why...but in my mind all I can hear is Elmer Fudd saying "I'm huntings wabb-its". My hunter/gather is dove "hunting" as we speak...but has only killed a 4-foot rattlesnake. AGHHHHH!

Patti D said...

but you eat meat, so SOMEONE is hunting! :-)

Bean Counter said...

If I was any good I would have killed my limit one hour into the hunt. As it was I got 11 after 3 hours.

Bean Counter said...

And if the stars align, I will go again on Sunday evening.