the story of growing up Scroggins

Thursday, August 6, 2009

You knew it was coming...

My Political Views
I am a center-left social moderate
Left: 1.47, Libertarian: 0.99

Political Spectrum Quiz

and that's all I have to say about that!


Harry said...

I have only one come the term "Libertarian" has been thrown around so much recently (Thank you, Bill Maher), yet not only are there NEVER viable Libertarian candidate, but also legit candidates stay as far away from that terminology as possible? Here's what I think: Libertarian is just a buzz-word for a very AMERICAN ideology that we don't like the government up in our mix. The Libs don't like it in their homes and Conservs don't like it in their business, right? I'm just sayin.

Btw, I'm super-afraid to take the test and see my "graph." ;)

Bean Counter said...

Heck, I could probably take it again in a week and be something totally different. Depends on my mood that day I guess. I may try that just for fun!