the story of growing up Scroggins

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


We must be really popular in the animal world. Here's yet ANOTHER stray that wandered our direction. This one was taking up residence in the treehouse, but I DON'T plan on letting it wiggle its way into our house.The kids have other plans, and are trying to beat me down with hourly begging and pleading. The even promised good behavior and clean rooms FOR THE REST OF FOREVER. Now, THAT might be worth another pet, but I'm just not so sure I believe the little hoodlums.


Natalie said...

I don't believe them either, but I think that cute little cat is going to make its way into the Scroggins house. =)

Sharyn said...

ahhem.....remember those two precious kitties in my garage??

Soña said...

Tanner's pleading look is just priceless. Cute kitty.

Soña said...

Also I should note -- much MUCH cuter than the last critter post. I still need to read your blog through the reader to avoid said icky photo although I did appreciate the wild animal kingdom nature of the previous post.

Harry said...

seriously cute kitty...but I hear ya.