the story of growing up Scroggins

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I'm working on Day 3 without my sacred Diet Coke. It has been brutal. Yesterday afternoon I was literally jittery and someone thought that I was not in the best of moods. I didn't realize that I was actually an addict-I thought this drinking habit was just a guilty pleasure.

Guess not.

This morning even Todd was craving some of that luscious carbonated caffeinated beverage. He mentioned switching to beer.

I headed for the wine cabinet.

Kidding...but still. I don't know how I'm going to last another 37 days!!! Life is just not as glorious without my Big A Cokes, which I guess is the entire point of the sacrifice.


Soña said...

Hang in there - it will get better. Just a few more days and you might not even miss it anymore!

Jarhead™ said...

We're on day 3 with zero TV.

I don't really miss it.

I'm going to have to switch to something harder so it feels like a real sacrifice. Maybe I'll give up coffee as well.

Harry said...

I think one of my friends gave up facebook for Lent. Talk about your modern religion!