the story of growing up Scroggins

Monday, September 22, 2008

Runaround Sue

We met in 8th grade. I was new to Decatur...a "move in", and I'm pretty sure she admired my fringe jacket and tie-dyed shirt. If she didn't back then, she's learned to appreciate the style by now. :) Throughout high school we shared drill team dances, girls' nights, double dates, study took us down different roads, but we shared some great roadtrips. Ironically, she was Todd's first 'real' girlfriend, but as one of my best friends, stood up for us at our wedding. It was at her baby shower I officially let the world know Madison was on the way.

Now we are living parallel lives as we raise our families in smallish towns. Hers is in Stillwater, mine here in the metropolis of Decatur. We both are juggling kids, stay-at-home vs. working mommyhoood, new family traditions, and family matriarch training. :)

This weekend Brandi made the roadtrip with her youngest, Audrey. They were here on business-to do some Grandparent bonding, but got to crash at my place. They got in Friday night after 10, and we stayed up until after 2AM chatting the night away! Her first question: "how do you live here???" I explained the adjustment of being an adult on the same paths I was a teen...and she....didn't really believe me when I said it was neat. :) I don't even remember all we talked about that night, just how easy and comfortable it was.

Saturday was the same mellow wonderfulness as we sat on the back porch with our bottles of wine and watched the kids hike through the back pasture. We tried to rally Saturday night, but one great thing about great friends is being able to wimp out. We crashed before the news on SNL. Ain't no shame either. Sadly, they had to leave Sunday morning and, as soon as they left, Madison was making plans for their next visit. Brandi promised it would not be long. I hope not.

I might have to pull out the Slumber Party or Senior Lip Sync videos as blackmail...


Natalie said...

I love the story of the fringe jacket and tie-dyed shirt. I almost feel that I was there. :)

Danielle M. Scroggins said...

it might be the most defining moment of my life!!

Harry said...

Yeah...being close friends does make it so easy to talk until 2 AM, but the wine helped, too.

We had such a nice weekend. And Madison is officially Audrey's "new bestest friend."