the story of growing up Scroggins

Monday, August 11, 2008

Water Works

Friday we finally made it to a Water Park! I had it on my list all summer as an official "fun thing to do.". Todd even took a rare golden day off to join us.

I'm not sure what I was thinking that I could handle this kind of field trip solo though. I tend to do that-not think things through. Madison and Tanner immediately ran off to the waterslides, and I couldn't get Grady slathered down fast enough before he headed to the "kiddie area". Three kids is a lot.

I was glad for the reinforcements. Lifeguards too.
Normally, I'm spazzing trying to take a constant headcount of the Hoodlums, so when they scattered, it sent me into a bit of a fainting spell. I forget they can swim-and then there's those lifeguards I mentioned earlier. I'm actually getting to the point where the kids are self sufficient. IT'S SO WEIRD! We had a great time though-we went to Denton Water Works. It was the perfect size-baby area, some slides, and a lazy river...I think I'm still a few years out from places like Hurricane me the shivers just thinking about how far they will scatter. But then-I bet we don't end the day like this....

1 comment:

Natalie said...

So fun! Playing Hookey are the most fun days. And this is for Todd... What a hottie! :)